quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2010


ABSTRACT. How many bird species are there in Brazil? Species concepts, conservation and what is to be found. Research on bird diversity 9000? 20 000?
in Brazil began quite late after colonization and is still a challenge for ornithologists. Despite the rapid progress since the second half of the XX
century, the number of valid bird species in the country remains underestimated mainly as a result of the adoption of the Biological Species Concept.
Indiscriminate and non-critical use of subspecific categories has caused several problems in defining taxa, with clear negative consequences to general
knowledge and applied biodiversity conservation. Taxonomic studies must use more objective concepts to define species, always considering the
interplay among morphological, voice, behavioral and molecular characters. New bird species have been described from almost every major Brazilian
biome and areas where new taxa are likely to be found are now being explored, so the trend for new species to be described at a rate of one or two
per year is likely to be kept for the next years.

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