The 10 Greatest Books Ever, According to 125 Top Authors (Download Them for Free)
Earlier this month, we highlighted The 10 Greatest Films of All Time According to 846 Film Critics. Featuring films by Hitchcock, Kubrick, Welles and Fellini, this master list came together in 2012 when Sight & Sound (the cinema journal of the British Film Institute) asked contemporary critics and directors to name their 12 favorite movies. Nearly 900 cinephiles responded, and, from those submissions, a meta list of 10 was culled.
So how about something similar for books, you ask? For that, we can look back to 2007, when J. Peder Zane, the book editor of the Raleigh News & Observer, asked 125 top writers to name their favorite books — writers like Norman Mailer, Annie Proulx, Stephen King, Jonathan Franzen, Claire Messud, and Michael Chabon. The lists were all compiled in an edited collection, The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books, and then prefaced by one uber list, “The Top Top Ten.”
Zane explained the methodology behind the uber list as follows: “The participants could pick any work, by any writer, by any time period…. After awarding ten points to each first-place pick, nine to second-place picks, and so on, the results were tabulated to create the Top Top Ten List – the very best of the best.”
The short list appears below, along with links to electronic versions of the works. There’s one notable exception, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. We couldn’t provide that text, but we do have something special — an audio recording of Nabokov reading a chapter from his controversial 1955 novel.
The texts listed below are permanently housed in our collection of Free eBooks, along with many other classics. In many cases, you’ll find audio versions of the same works in our ever-growing collection of Free Audio Books. If you have questions about how to load files onto your Kindle, please see this related instructional video.
Got an issue with any of the selections? Tell us all about it in the comments section below.
1. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy
2. Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
3. War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
4. Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov
- Hear Nabokov read the next to final chapter here. 26 minutes of classic audio.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
6. Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
7. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
8. In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust
- Swann’s Way [1922]
- Within a Budding Grove [1924]
- The Guermantes Way [1925]
- Cities on the Plain [1927]
- The Captive [1929]
- The Sweet Cheat Gone [1930]
- Time Regained [1931]
9. The Stories of Anton Chekhov
10. Middlemarch, by George Eliot
Earlier this month, we highlighted The 10 Greatest Films of All Time According to 846 Film Critics. Featuring films by Hitchcock, Kubrick, Welles and Fellini, this master list came together in 2012 when Sight & Sound (the cinema journal of the British Film Institute) asked contemporary critics and directors to name their 12 favorite movies. Nearly 900 cinephiles responded, and, from those submissions, a meta list of 10 was culled.
So how about something similar for books, you ask? For that, we can look back to 2007, when J. Peder Zane, the book editor of the Raleigh News & Observer, asked 125 top writers to name their favorite books — writers like Norman Mailer, Annie Proulx, Stephen King, Jonathan Franzen, Claire Messud, and Michael Chabon. The lists were all compiled in an edited collection, The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books, and then prefaced by one uber list, “The Top Top Ten.”
Zane explained the methodology behind the uber list as follows: “The participants could pick any work, by any writer, by any time period…. After awarding ten points to each first-place pick, nine to second-place picks, and so on, the results were tabulated to create the Top Top Ten List – the very best of the best.”
The short list appears below, along with links to electronic versions of the works. There’s one notable exception, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. We couldn’t provide that text, but we do have something special — an audio recording of Nabokov reading a chapter from his controversial 1955 novel.
The texts listed below are permanently housed in our collection of Free eBooks, along with many other classics. In many cases, you’ll find audio versions of the same works in our ever-growing collection of Free Audio Books. If you have questions about how to load files onto your Kindle, please see this related instructional video.
Got an issue with any of the selections? Tell us all about it in the comments section below.
1. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy
2. Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
3. War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
4. Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov
- Hear Nabokov read the next to final chapter here. 26 minutes of classic audio.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
6. Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
7. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
8. In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust
- Swann’s Way [1922]
- Within a Budding Grove [1924]
- The Guermantes Way [1925]
- Cities on the Plain [1927]
- The Captive [1929]
- The Sweet Cheat Gone [1930]
- Time Regained [1931]
9. The Stories of Anton Chekhov
10. Middlemarch, by George Eliot
Os 10 melhores livros de sempre,
de acordo com a 125 Top Autores
No início deste mês, destacamos Os 10 maiores filmes de todos os tempos Segundo 846 Film Critics . Com filmes de Hitchcock , Kubrick, Welles e Fellini, esta lista mestre reuniram-se em 2012, quando Sight & Sound (revista de cinema do British Film Institute) pediu críticos e diretores contemporâneos para nomear seus 12 filmes favoritos. Cerca de 900 cinéfilos respondeu, e, a partir dessas observações, a lista de meta de 10 foi abatido.
Assim como sobre algo similar para livros, você pergunta? Para isso, podemos olhar para trás a 2007, quando J. Peder Zane , o editor do livro do Raleigh News & Observer , pediu 125 principais escritores para nomear seus livros favoritos - escritores como Norman Mailer, Annie Proulx, Stephen King, Jonathan Franzen, Claire Messud, e Michael Chabon. As listas foram todos compilados em uma coleção editada, The Top Ten: Escritores Escolha seus livros favoritos , e, em seguida, prefaciado por uma lista uber, "The Top Top Ten".
Zane explicou a metodologia por trás da lista uber como segue: "Os participantes podem escolher qualquer trabalho, por qualquer escritor, por qualquer período de tempo .... Após a concessão de dez pontos para cada primeiro lugar escolha, nove para o segundo lugar, picaretas, e assim por diante, os resultados foram tabulados para criar o Top Top Ten List -. O melhor dos melhores "
A pequena lista aparece abaixo, juntamente com links para as versões eletrônicas de obras. Há uma notável exceção, de Vladimir Nabokov Lolita. Nós não poderia fornecer esse texto, mas temos algo especial - umagravação de áudio de Nabokov ler um capítulo de seu polêmico romance 1955.
Os textos abaixo são permanentemente alojados em nossa coleção deeBooks gratuitos , juntamente com muitos outros clássicos. Em muitos casos, você vai encontrar versões em áudio das mesmas obras em nossa coleção cada vez maior de Free Audio Books . Se você tiver dúvidas sobre como carregar arquivos para o seu Kindle, consulte este vídeo instrutivo relacionado .
Tenho um problema com qualquer uma das seleções? Conte-nos tudo sobre isso na seção de comentários abaixo.
1. Anna Karenina , de Leon Tolstói
2. Madame Bovary , de Gustave Flaubert
3. Guerra e Paz , de Leon Tolstói
4. Lolita , de Vladimir Nabokov
- Ouça Nabokov ler o próximo para último capítulo aqui . 26 minutos de áudio clássico.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , de Mark Twain
6. Hamlet , de William Shakespeare
7. The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald
8. Em Busca do Tempo Perdido , de Marcel Proust
- Caminho de Swann [1922]
- Dentro de um bosque de brotamento [1924]
- O caminho de Guermantes [1925]
- Cidades na planície [1927]
- The Captive [1929]
- A fraude Doce Longe [1930]
- Tempo Recuperado [1931]
9. As histórias de Anton Chekhov
10. Middlemarch , de George Eliot
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